Government Backed Scheme
Green House Insulation
Free Boiler Grant
Replace Your Old Inefficient Non- Condensing Boiler With a New A-rated Condensing Combi BoilerApply In 60 Seconds
Book Your Free Assessment
Free Installation
Enjoy Eco Friendly House
We Can Help If Someone In Your House Gets One Of These Benefits
- Child Tax Credit
- Employment Support
- Job Seekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Pension Guarantee Credit
- Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit
- Income-Related Employment & Support Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Child Benefit (Income threshold applies)
No Benfits
You May Qualify
Subject to income threshold (done by your local council under the LA FLex scheme) total household income less than £31,000
Our Process
Free Telephone Consultation
Free Property Assesment
Check and Confirm Your Eligibility
Installation of Chosen Measures
Apply Now For Free Boiler Grant
Free Boiler
If you have an old noncondensing boiler or a back boiler we will replace it with a brand new A-Rated combi boiler.
We only use A+ rated boilers.
Free First Time Central Heater
You may qualify for free first-time full central heating if your house is heated by old room heaters(main gas) or old electric/electric storage heaters and you do not have a boiler in the house.
Free Loft Insulation
Did you know that improving the insulation in your loft or roof might reduce your heating costs by up to 25%?
Our fully trained and experienced loft insulation installation team can help save you money on your energy bills and heating costs.
Free Cavity Wall Insulation
Free Under Floor Insulation
Free Room In Roof Insulation
If you have an attic room or a loft conversion that is uninsulated, up to 25% of the heat you generate could be lost through the roof. Room in Roof Insulation Grants can help you to insulate your roof space, keeping it warmer in winter Whether you use your attic room as a bedroom, office, playroom, or whatever else, as long as you have a permanent staircase up to it.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ECO4
ECO4 is the 4th part of the Government funded ECO scheme, The government’s response to the Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) consultation sets out the policy of the scheme from April 2022 until March 2026. The government allocated £4 billion to the scheme and provides a range of energy efficiency measures to homes in Great Britain.
Do I need to own the home in order to receive funding for a new boiler?
Can I still get a new boiler grant even though I'm not British Gas customer?
How do I qualify for a free boiler grant?
Is this a Government boiler scheme for pensioners?
Yes, pensioners do qualify if you receive Pension Credit Guarantee as a top up to your standard pension.